"RITUAL of RESURRECTION" Usage: chant resurrection Cost: 150 mana + corpses Level: Necromancer 25 (Prime) Duration: - Accumulative: - Save Versus: - Damage Type: - Stratum: - Spellbook: - Prerequisite: - See Also: JUJU This ritual must be performed in front of one of our Master Necromancer’s. The evil magic user must gather as many corpses as they can, and bring them to their master. Once the Necromancer has collected enough corpses to begin his ritual, he begins a quiet chant of resurrection. This chant enrages the souls of the dead to rise up from their bodies, swirl themselves in anger about the room, until they merge as one. This ritual may take a few minutes to perform, but once completed the Necromancer will be befriended by a massive Ju-Ju Zombie which will obey his every command. This Ju-Ju feeds and heals itself by devouring corpses of the dead. The size of this evil being depends on the size of the player performing this ritual. The follower may be ordered in a similar fashion as charmed creatures. Be aware, the Ju-Ju will use any magic necessary to remain by its master’s side. JuJu commands Iconify: Will trap the juju inside of the charm devour : Will cause the juju to consume corpses to heal itself starve : Will cause the juju to halt its eating habits Usage: order [zombie|juju] Once the ritual has been completed, a juju charm will be given to the owner of the zombie. This charm enables the necromancer to summon the JuJu Zombie without performing their ritual. Although, if the juju dies the charm will crumble. Summon juju or summon zombie will create the beast.