"DANCE OF THE SEVEN LUCK GODS" Usage: sing 'dance of the seven luck gods' Cost: 100 mana Level: Bard 40 (Prime) Duration: Length of Song Accumulative: - Save Versus: - Damage Type: - Stratum: Mental Spellbook: 7 Luck Gods Spellbook (forged) Prerequisite: - See Also: - There are seven gods that govern the fortunes of men. Their spheres include the harvest, trade, investments, fishing, and probably of greatest interest to itinerant minstrels, treasure. This ancient and difficult song attracts the interest of these powerful beings. That rare skald who masters the seven interleaved rhythms of this complex dance will, legend has it, find vastly increased troves of jewelry, puissant magics, and other treasure. In order to work, the dance must be ongoing when the bard's foes appear. It is rumored that the enemies will then be as much as twice as likely to carry valuable treasure.