"CANOPIED ARBOR" Usage: cast 'canopied arbor' Cost: 35 mana Level: Druid 21 (Prime) Duration: 10 hours Accumulative: - Save Versus: - Damage Type: - Stratum: Summoning Spellbook: A book with a tree-lined lane on its cover Prerequisite: - See Also: - The relationship between druids and the natural environs is rarely more obviously on display than when they need a safe place to recover their health. With a few simple words, a high degree of skill, and their ever-present seeds, a competent druid can cause animated plants to quickly grow around. The druid will automatically adjust the type of these plants to befit the type of the terrain: in desert, cacti will grow; underwater, patches of seaweed; elsewhere, oaks. The druid and his fellow companions can then rest inside the ring of plants, assured that no hungry and blood- thirsty monster will see, smell, hear or notice them in any other way. An exception to the case will occur if the monster has already tasted the druid's blood and craves revenge (the power of righteous anger is not to be lightly tossed aside). Naturally, these plants will only grow where they have access to sunlight, fresh air, and normal weather cycles. NOTE: The desert is an extremely flora-unfriendly habitat. It will take the druid twice as much mana to install the plants in such a hostile environment, and then, the plants will be plain cacti. However, the druid may then rest in cool shadows out of the sun, thus not getting worn down by the harsh climate very quickly. These rooms also have an increase in mana regen.