"CALL OF THE SIDHE" Usage: sing 'call of the sidhe' '' Cost: 5 mana Level: Prime Bard 38 Duration: About an hour Accumulative: - Save Versus: - Damage Type: - Stratum: Mental Spellbook: Songbook of planar hymns Prerequisite: - See Also: SIDHE SIDHE CHARMS STRATA This haunting melody was taught to bards long ago by the Sidhe, a race of dangerous and, some say, beautiful beings that come from another plane. The Sidhe's extra-planar aspect lets them manipulate spells as we can manipulate material things, sculpting them into charms. While this song doesn't compel the Sidhe to do anything in particular, it usually gets them to show up. At that point if offered a suitable reward and the correct materials, they will sculpt a wand-like charm that can cast any desired spell. You must be able to cast said spell to describe it adequately to the Sidhe. Different sorts of Sidhe might show up depending on the power of the requested spell. The wise bard will have an appropriate reward for their time ready; it's best to place the award on the ground, along with any materials needed for the desired charm, BEFORE casting the spell. Sidhe are mercurial and likely to take it badly if the reward isn't there. See 'help sidhe' for more information on what the different types of Sidhe might want as a reward. See 'help sidhe charms' for more information on what raw materials are needed to make charms for different types of spells. In general the type of Sidhe that shows up is as follows: spell lvl 0-9 Fear Gorta spell lvl 10-19 Cluricaun spell lvl 20-29 Leith Phrogan spell lvl 30-40 Sheoque avatar spells Fear Sidhe Note: do NOT attack the Sidhe. Consider the words "never seen again".